Diabetes Reducer: Diabetes Awareness Should Begin with Medical Professionals - Angela's Blog
Diabetes Reducer: Diabetes Awareness Begins � What that Means for Me - Angela's Blog
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November is also like one of those Halloween ghost stories, for me � the ones where people claim an apparition repeats the same �ritual� over and over again. The one where she again, clamors for awareness of her condition, and then remembers how her happy moment came tumbling down by that other moment that changed her fate � that moment of diagnosis.
Diabetes Reducer: CrossFit Resorts to Bullying People with Diabetes - Angela's Blog
So recently, the people at CrossFit have started a new campaign insinuating sugar (and namely, Coca-Cola) kill people and give them diabetes. Their distasteful tweet went out to say...
"Make sure you pour some out for your dead homies."�Greg Glassman #CrossFit #Sugarkills @CrossFitCEO pic.twitter.com/QnwXOe4BTQ� CrossFit (@CrossFit) June 29, 2015
This is the height of DISGUSTING morals and disrespect for a people with a poorly understood health condition, massive misinformation, and families and relatives who have passed away! As someone who lost her father to type 2 diabetes in 2003, I am deeply offended!
I do not just appeal to you to write CrossFit, as these people are surely not going to give a DAMN about what we have to say -- but hit them in the pockets with a potential lawsuit by writing Coca-Cola. Together, we can fight back. This is my letter. Modify as you need to... You may submit yours at https://secure.coca-colacompany.com/ssldocs/mail/eQuery_product.shtml. (Copy and paste in your browser).
"To Whom It May Concern,
I am an advocate for people with diabetes. It has recently come to my attention, and the attention of many other advocates and persons with diabetes that a certain company calling itself "CrossFit" has appropriated part of Coca-Cola's logo and good name as a means to attack and tarnish the reputations of people with type 2 diabetes, as a part of their scare tactic campaign and dissemination of misinformation.
As advocates, we work endlessly with other agencies such as the American Diabetes Association, JDRF, and the Joslin Diabetes Center to educate persons on the nature of diabetes, its various types, and any means of prevention possible. While we recognize that good nutrition is key to maintaining a healthy weight, we strongly denounce the tactics of this company. Consuming sugar in and of itself does NOT lead to any form of diabetes.
This campaign is deeply offensive to people with diabetes, and our voices are being ignored by this company. We would like to appeal to Coca Cola and their good name, to help us stand against this company -- not only because this is hurtful for people with diabetes, but because it damages the good name and brand of Coca Cola and its affiliates.
At this time, the "Crossfit" company is using parts of the Coca Cola logo, with an attached catchphrase of "open diabetes" which they claim is trademarked.
The information is being spread all over Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and may be seen at these links:
Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear from you soon.
Lizmari M. Collazo
Diabetes Advocate and Freelance Writer
Diabetes Reducer: You're a Fat F@#! and You Give Diabetes a Bad Name! - Angela's Blog
When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, it took me some time to become aware of all the various resources that were out there for me. There were various mainstream informational websites, and a few personal blogs. I didn't even have an inkling that there were exclusive forums for people with diabetes, until I found a reference for one in a blog.
So I joined the forum, excited to meet other people and see what it was all about. It opened my world to a whole new level of knowledge I had not been exposed to through the mainstream informational websites, and it made me consider so many questions related to day to day living with diabetes. At the time, I was struggling with other life challenges, as well: I had been struggling with underemployment, lack of medical coverage, and a lack of food, so the forum provided for me a place to come, get some encouragement, and escape reality for a little while.
While I made many valuable friendships, and met folks who helped me realize that I'm not alone in my path with diabetes, I also met a lot of jaded and hurtful individuals. And I was very much not prepared for that. Sure -- there are always trolls and mean persons on every corner of the internet, but this was different: these were people who exclusively hated me and held me in contempt for having the 'wrong' type of diabetes. And that was something I could not understand.
Now, I am well aware that I may not have the most easy going personality -- but this problem was beyond my having ever joined this forum. A simple search through their archives, and one could find thread upon thread of vitriolic, incredibly detestable hate-filled fests against persons with type 2 diabetes. On top of that, administration seemed to care little about monitoring this type of bullying, and called it "constructive dialogues that needed to be had." It was frankly, quite off-putting. The forum quickly became detrimental to my health, contributing to feelings of shame, self loathing, and depression. I felt myself addicted to it, as someone who's addicted to the person who has become their abuser. I was glad when I was finally banned -- a woman took to insulting me after an innocent reply to a post, and when I replied in self-defense mode, she conveniently deleted hers... It was hurtful, and I felt very much betrayed. I still do. But it was for the best. There were people who only pretended to be my friend, and after I was gone, completely stopped speaking to me. Just like junior high. The whole thing was gross.
It wasn't all a loss, however. Some of the people who I had friended decided to find me and friend me on other social media outlets. They missed my insights and my writing, and encouraged me to blog; they were instrumental in me even starting this blog. Many of them are still my friends till this day. I value those friendships very much, and my life is richer for having them.
But... after leaving that forum, I found that this terrible hatred, and vitriolic scene was not just a problem exclusive to them, but instead it was a part of a greater online diabetes culture. No matter what group, page, or discussion you joined, there would always be discussion about persons with type 2 diabetes being to blame, being fat and gross, having a 'different disease that is not mine and needs to be renamed so we're not associated with them because they gave it to themselves,' not having 'real diabetes,' not being important or deadly, and not to be considered as allies, but as people who have ruined things for 'the rest of us.'
Frankly... I've never been hated so much by someone for just existing. Not even as a Latina woman, in a predominantly Caucasian state; not even as an obese woman by persons without diabetes!
I quickly became very resentful of these people. I sought out many arguments purposefully, and tried to argue it out with as many of these haters as I could. In my mind, I saw them as immoral, awful people, who needed to be put in their place. I saw the culture of rampant discrimination, bullying and persecution, and I just had to get on my little crusade to fix it. I sought to try to force people to see that type 2 diabetes was very much misunderstood, and that they needed to see this for themselves as much as their own type of diabetes was misunderstood. I argued, and I got on my soapbox, and I ran myself ragged.
Some folks were on my side and argued for me, and even wrote extensive blog posts... and some other folks were not. Some other folks were more lukewarm: they could sympathize with me, but they still wanted the 'comfort' of relating to others about how much they resented my own type. I felt like these folks wanted to eliminate us, like a kind of ethnic cleansing: obliterate us from existence, so they could get justice served for their own misfortunes. We are 'the punching bag' for their child, or their spouse, or their whoever having gotten their type of diabetes.
It's become very challenging for me to not reserve a well of pure hatred for many, or most of these people. But slowly, and with time, I've come away to a different place when it comes to the conversation... I can't have anything but sympathy for these folks.
You see, the feelings, hatred and vitriol -- though hurled at me and others living with type 2 diabetes -- have absolutely NOTHING to do with us... and everything to do with those who hurl them. They do not say a thing about us; they simply speak of unmet needs, of emotional trauma, of personal agony and challenge, of isolation and lack of recognition.
None of this has anything to do with me. It has everything to do with:
- The stress of living with a deadly chronic condition, and a lack of acknowledgement of this reality by friends, relatives, the media, and the medical community;
- The frustration of living in a world rampant with ignorance about diabetes in general, but especially about any other type that isn't type 2;
- The lack of psycho-social support and mental health available for people living with diabetes;
- The often inevitable feelings of seeing oneself through the lens of a victim's narrative because it's really hard to rationalize to ourselves the WHY we (or our loved one) got such a sucky hand in life (a subject that could well fill another blog post, on its own);
- The feelings of a need to 'make things right,' and avenge the lot in life we got (or our loved ones) by attacking others that society has told us 'gave it to themselves,' so that we can feel better that we were 'innocent' (as if those others were guilty, somehow) ;
- The desperation of not being able to find healing for ourselves, or for our loved ones... often, the desperation of complications, or a lack of research and a cure;
- Simply... the pent up agony and anxiety at not being recognized on almost any outlet, ever... even as rarer conditions get at least some moments in the limelight.
Diabetes Reducer: Guest Blog Post: The Perfect Storm - Angela's Blog
Disclaimer: The following is a guest post from a fellow reader of this blog, and a person living with type 2 diabetes as well as HIV. The thoughts and opinions expressed here are not necessarily my own, nor are they intended to diagnose, treat, or advise anyone's medical condition. Expression and platform for all experiences of living with diabetes are intended as a tool to generate awareness, increase our empathy and understanding and generate questions which we may take to our medical team.
The Cause
Different Hospital Same Attitude
The Fallout
The Fights
How My Past Helped Me Through
And The Fight Continues
Getting Family and Friends to Understand
No Pressure Then
Making A Change
Taking an Holistic Approach
- I feel like I�ve been on a non-stop roller coaster ride these past twelve years.
- At times I felt like I�ve been in a game of Russian roulette and I wasn�t the one holding the gun.
- I feel like I�ve been robbed of something and that is time.
- I feel like Humpty Dumpty who�s fell of the wall and I�m having difficulty putting the pieces back together again.
- And on top of everything else there�s a sense of guilt.